The Opinionated Foodie: The Love (or Not) of Food and Everything That Goes with It

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Make Tacos
September 15, 2012, 10:28 pm
Filed under: Random Foodie Thoughts | Tags: , , , , ,

In our home, food is a thing. We take it pretty seriously, ya know? There are times when I hit a home run, and times when I strike out.

The fam is getting tired of my attempts at gourmet. Mr. Picky doesn’t want anything that looks or sounds or smells weird or isn’t made of cheese.

Mr. Opinionated is happy some of the time, but he would eat chili from a can every meal if I would fix it.

Miss Helper lately just wants fish sticks.

When the fam is looking a little weak or grouchy or hungry, I have only a few sure-fire ways to fix the situation.

We can go to the Mexican restaurant. We can eat pizza. We can eat chicken again.

Or, as I have recently found out, I can make the humble, no-frills taco.

I had no idea that something so simple would be so great.  For our family of four, a box of twelve taco shells doesn’t last long.

Mr. Picky eats a taco shell stuffed with shredded cheese. Miss Helper likes cheese too with a little meat. Mr. Opinionated and I eat anything and everything on ours. I am particularly fond of avocado slices with sour cream.

We all eat, and it takes me less than twenty minutes.  Easy peasy.

And we live happily ever after. Or, at least until the tacos wear off.