The Opinionated Foodie: The Love (or Not) of Food and Everything That Goes with It

Chuck E. Cheese
August 15, 2011, 5:12 pm
Filed under: Food Made by Others | Tags: , , ,

CEC-Where a Kid Can Eat Decent Pizza

Chuck E. Cheese.  The name strikes fear in the heart of every red-blooded American over the age of 20.  The kids running wild.  The gross, germ infested games.  The annoying, singing robotic mascot.  The money draining expense.  Ugh.

When my older child recently said he wanted to go to Chuck for his birthday, I thought the moon would be a better idea. 

Since it was his birthday, a trip to the moon wasn’t practical, and since my child only turns eight once, we went. 

You know what? It wasn’t half bad. 

 We walked in and had an unfortunate incident with another kid’s party.  The other birthday kid happened to have the same name as my kid.  I really don’t want to relive the incident here, but it did involve a crown of tokens being taken away from my kid (Therapy, anyone?).  Then, we ordered.  The pizza was warm and decent even though the sausage was a little fatty.  However, it had no resemblance to cardboard.  Impressive for a place not known for good food yet full of a captive audience.  The sandwiches we dined on were also pretty good.  For a place I was totally dreading and had zero expectations for, I really enjoyed myself.   

After we ate, we played several games of legalized kiddie gambling and left with two pieces of candy, a plastic rocket, a plastic hammer, and some plastic cups. 

Fun, but we’re not going back anytime soon. 


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